What is the cause of selfishness in a human being? Also, how should I behave towards selfish colleagues?
World Peace
The beginning training lesson described already is meditation practice. This is the path for building peace in human society.
Conversation of Dhamma To The Occasion.
Actually a human has to face lot of problems in his/her life, which have to be solved with wisdom {Panna}. Therefore humans need wisdom.
The Efficiency of the well-trained mind
The stated qualities cause those who have well-trained minds to have the courage to take responsibility for human dignity on various levels.
Love in the Right Way
From the first moment of life to the last, humans have a natural need for love. We feel satisfied when we are loved,
An Ancient Secret for the New Millennium
The Dhammakaya is the pure and original nature residing in every human being regardless of their nationality, religion, or ethnicity.
Call for ban on animal killing fair
Our Human Environment in the Six Directions includes those who are the most influential in our lives
Social Disaster : 1. The Parent-Child Relationship
The catastrophe brought to society by parental neglect can be enlarged ad follows: Loss of Respect for One’s own Human Dignity
Reforming society : Conclusions
In conclusion it can be said that the real reform that is needed to transform society for the better is reform of our own and others’ human nature